Thursday, May 13, 2010

What's Up with the EcoTeam?

What’s Recyclable and What’s Just Plain Trash?

The Primary EcoTeam meets every other Monday at lunch. These students have noticed that people are confused about what items can be recycled or reused and what needs to be thrown out! To end the confusion, these dedicated eco-students have been working on recycling presentations for the school. They have visited many Earl Beatty classrooms to set the record straight on what is recyclable and reusable and what is plain trash.

Trees Can’t Do All the Work, We Can Help!

The Junior EcoTeam (JET) meets every other Friday at lunch. They have been hard at work completing an anti-idling banner that was started last year. Cars burn gas and give off toxic fumes. These fumes contribute to the greenhouse gas effect and climate change. JET hopes to have the banner ready for display soon.

JET at work on the anti-idling banner.

Recycling Posters and the Tree Planting Dedication

The Intermediate EcoTeam meets every other Thursday at lunch. Like the primary team, they have noticed the confusion about what is recyclable and what is not. These students have created and posted signs throughout the school informing students, staff and parents what we can pop in the blue and grey boxes and what we must throw in the garbage.

The Intermediate team also worked on writing a dedication that was recited at the Earth Day tree planting ceremony on April 22nd.

Good work, team, for keeping the Earl Beatty community informed about environmental issues!!